Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Call for Warriors of Prayer!

"I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men: ...that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who wills that all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
--1 Timothy 2:1-4
This is a a call for intercessors and prayer warriors around the world to support the work of True Knights in a battle for souls. True Knights needs a support system. We are seeking individuals, prayer groups, orders, parishes, dioceses and associations who will commit to faithfully pray for the mission of True Knights, our families, those being helped by this ministry and all those whose lives are affected, darkened and enslaved by the sin of unchastity and impurity.

Prayer is the foundation of all our work here at True Knights and we agree with Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta who said that “Everything starts from prayer.” And we know that no effort is an anointed effort without prayer. That’s why I need to know you are praying with us and our apostolic outreach. We know that if we are doing God’s will, then He will anoint our efforts and provide for all our needs. Even our financial ones. It’s that simple.

Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on you. - St. Francis of Assisi

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pornography Addiction: How to Win the War against Satan's Attack on the Family (Part II)

written by Kenneth Henderson,

Saturday, March 24, 2007

How did we stray so far, so fast? Why is pornography allowed to intrude into so many marriages? The main reason I see is we have been duped by society and the Great Deceiver. We have been lied to and told that we need this "toxic waste" in our lives or we are not normal. I'd liken it to being lost and thirsty in a desert and discovering someone living alongside a beautiful stream but using it as a toilet, or serving a wonderful meal for dinner each evening, but adding a small amount of rat poison to it. Either way, it's deadly...

[ Read the full article ]

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Pornography Addiction: How to Win the War against Satan's Attack on the Family (Part I)

written by Kenneth Henderson,

Friday, March 23, 2007

One of the prime objectives of the True Knights apostolate is to help men break free of the slavery of pornography addiction. Addiction to pornography and lust are destroying men and their families in greater numbers than alcohol or drug addiction. In fact, it is physically more addictive than cocaine and imprints the mind with images that are nearly impossible to erase. The real problem's a silent killer. It kills your soul before you or anyone else knows it! Studies show that 1 out of every 4 men are addicted to or have a problem with pornography and 1 in 5 Christian men, of all denominations admitted to having a problem with pornography. These were just the men who admitted it...

[ Read the full article ]

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pornographic Exploitation is "Free Speech?"

A news story just broke today reporting that a Federal Judge had just struck down an Internet Pornography Law. (Read the story here on Reuters and Associated Press). The 1998 law was designed to block children from viewing Internet pornography. The Judge stated that the violates the U.S. Constitution's free speech protections. The challenge was brought up by the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU), which had argued that the provisions of the Child Online Protection Act were too restrictive.

This just infuriates me. Our society is so careful about protecting our so-called "free speech" that we are neglecting to see the incredible harm we are doing to ourselves and future generations.

Interestingly enough in an unrelated story by today with an interview with Melinda Tankard Reist (Dealing Girls a Raw and Racy Deal), the founding director of Women's Forum Australia, stated that our culture is harming our young girls with the message that the must be sexual to be accepted. This is a direct result of the unfettered "pornization" of our culture. Melinda stated:

"The problem of the premature sexualizing of girls is one of the most serious issues confronting us as a society at the present time. Girls are being turned into sexual objects earlier and earlier.

The messages they receive through popular culture is that to be attractive, to be accepted, you have to dress and behave in a sexual manner. There are now lingerie clothing lines for preteen girls, and bras for girls under 10, T-shirts with sexual slogans, and even a pole dancing kit complete with a DVD that features "sexy dance tracks" for 6-year-olds."

She goes on to say that:

"The barrage of sexual images in popular culture cannot be justified on "free speech" grounds when it is causing so much damage to vulnerable children who need protection...Online networks of pedophiles also use "free speech" arguments when trading in images of children being raped."

So, we live in a culture where the Law protect a pornographers "rights" to exploit other human beings and feed this sickening garbage to our children.

I have to agree with what Melinda said at the end of her interview:
"We need a new global movement prepared to stand up against corporations, advertisers, the sex industry, the makers of violent video games and demeaning music clip and Internet sites. We need the same momentum as we've seen drive recent movements against global warming and world poverty propel a new movement for fighting our toxic cultural environment."

We have so many in our society who are ready to stand up and get indignant about "global warming" or "world hunger" but very little ready to stand up against the real and destructive "Plague of Pornography!"

Dear God help us...We Must Wake Up!


Update: The government is expected to appeal the ruling, and the case may return eventually to the Supreme Court.

To contact respectfully the US District Court of Eastern Pennsylvania:

United States District Court
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Office of the Clerk of Court
U.S. Courthouse
601 Market Street, Room 2609
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1797
Phone: (215) 597-7704
Fax: (215) 597-6390


To write a letter to the Governor send to:
Governor Edward G. Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

To telephone the Governor call:
(717) 787-2500.

A copy of Judge Reed's ruling can be found here:

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Very Important: Interview with Bishop Robert Finn on "Pornography's Death Grip!"

I was very pleased to read the interview with Bishop Robert Finn as a followup to his pastoral letter this morning. He had some very important and wise words to say about the problem of the continued "pornization" of our culture. In his first response the Bishop had these words to say:

"Pornography is a most pernicious symptom of this decline in the awareness of human dignity. Because of its ready availability, it has become so widespread -- touching young people barely beyond the age of reason -- that it is pandemic. Because of its addictive nature, I doubt that we as a global society have the will or the means to significantly inhibit the presence or availability of pornography. Yet, we should not give up on this effort to limit pornography. We have to persevere in this. As the Church, what we can and must do is try to recapture hearts, and fortify souls by deep conversion, the growth of the interior life, and the practice of the virtues."

It is going to take a huge effort on the part of all evangelist to address this issue, but we must. That is exactly what we here at True Knights are trying to do. But much more help is needed. We must do everything we can to help counter the effect that this has had on our culture: education, prayer, fasting and evangelization are all required in this battle. Saint Thomas Aquinas said that when man gives into the sins of the flesh his intellect becomes darkened, so much so that even simple truth cannot be understood. Is it any wonder that it is so difficult to share the Truth of the Gospel with people? Why so many are closed off to hearing the Truth? The collective "intellect" of our culture is becoming increasingly darker and darker. In fact Bishop Finn said this:

"I fear we have already crossed over. We are -- as you suggest -- numb to many of the destructive images, and this requires more and more images and more revealing images. The hunger for this gratification seems insatiable. The question is: Can the conversion that we sometimes experience, with the help of supernatural grace, in the heart of individuals, take place culturally?"

I pray it can...we must all pray everyday for the conversion of our whole culture. What is needed now is divine intervention.

Dear Heavenly Father, you and you alone know the hearts of all men and women. Help us, all of us seek out the only thing that can make us complete. As Saint Augustine said so many years ago...You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You! Lord our entire culture is restless. Satan is luring us to our deaths with his poison. Help us to open our eyes so that we may see the lies that Satan seeks to imprison all of our souls for eternity in the depths of Hell. We pray for the purity, holiness and heroic efforts of everyone who seeks to bring your words of Truth to a dying world. We ask for your mercy, your love and your abundant grace. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

Read the Interview with Bishop Finn from Zenit News here:
Pornography's Death Grip

Read Bishop Robert Finn's Pastoral Letter:
"Blessed Are the Pure in Heart"

Related Article in this weeks Nation Catholic Register:
Kansas City Bishop Takes on Porn Goliath

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Ken Henderson, Founder of True Knights on "Kresta in the Afternoon" on Ave Maria Radio March 21st at 4:30PM EST

I will be Al Kresta's guest this afternoon (March 21st, 2007) at 4:30pm EST on his show "Kresta in the Afternoon". We will be talking about the ways in which God has most changed my life for a book that he is putting together from guests interviews! Wow...I could talk about this for days, it will be a challenge to keep it down to only 30mins...Heh!


Please pray for me and be sure to tune in on your local Ave Maria Radio Affiliate station.

You can also listen ONLINE at: Ave Maria Radio

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What is Truth?

I want to welcome you to the "NEW" True Knights Blog. I hope you like the new look and I intend to make frequent use of this new blog.

A lot has been happening here at True Knights in the past few weeks and I sense that the battle is about to intensify. What battle you may be asking? The battle for the human soul. The battle that every man and woman faces everyday. Now you may be thinking that this battle has been going on for thousands of years. While that is true, I would argue that mankind has not seen a more intense onslaught by the forces of darkness against mankind, purity, Truth and God Himself.

In the next few posts I want to explore the nature of this battle and explain why I think that this battle has reached a new and unprecedented height...more than ever before! The Truth is under greater and greater attack everyday. The attack on the truth of human life with abortion, contraception and euthanasia; the attack on the sanctity of the most intimate of all human relationships, holy matrimony with such distortions of truth as homosexual unions and the attack on the holy gift of human sexuality with the onslaught of pornography.

Truth has become relevant. Man has always sought to define truth in relation to his own selfish, prideful desires. Yet, by doing so we further separate ourselves from the source of all truth...God himself.

Let me just leave you with this quote from a book I have been reading called "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend:

"Knowing the truth about God and his property puts limits on you and shows you his boundaries. Realizing the truth of his unchangeable reality helps you to define yourself in relation to him. When he says that you will reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7), for example, you either define yourself in relation to that reality, or continue to get injured if you try to go against it. To be in touch with God's truth is to be in touch with reality, and to live in accord with that reality makes for a better life (Ps. 119:2, 45).

Satan is the great distorter of reality. Recall in the garden when he tempted Eve to question God's boundaries and his truth. The consequences were disastrous.

There is always safety in the truth, whether it be knowing God's truth or knowing the truth about yourself. Many people live scattered and tumultuous lives trying to live outside of their own boundaries, not accepting and expressing the truth of who they are. Honesty about who you are gives you the biblical value of integrity, or oneness."

Truth is unchangeable...truth frees us from the darkness...the Truth is a light that illuminates the lies of the darkness.

Jesus Christ is that light...the Way, the Truth and the Life!