Friday, March 23, 2007

Pornography Addiction: How to Win the War against Satan's Attack on the Family (Part I)

written by Kenneth Henderson,

Friday, March 23, 2007

One of the prime objectives of the True Knights apostolate is to help men break free of the slavery of pornography addiction. Addiction to pornography and lust are destroying men and their families in greater numbers than alcohol or drug addiction. In fact, it is physically more addictive than cocaine and imprints the mind with images that are nearly impossible to erase. The real problem's a silent killer. It kills your soul before you or anyone else knows it! Studies show that 1 out of every 4 men are addicted to or have a problem with pornography and 1 in 5 Christian men, of all denominations admitted to having a problem with pornography. These were just the men who admitted it...

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Tedster said...

gain, right on the money! Thanks, Ken.

Warren said...

I recently wrote about Porn, and referenced a good article on Crisis Magazine on my catholic blog here:
