Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What is Truth?

I want to welcome you to the "NEW" True Knights Blog. I hope you like the new look and I intend to make frequent use of this new blog.

A lot has been happening here at True Knights in the past few weeks and I sense that the battle is about to intensify. What battle you may be asking? The battle for the human soul. The battle that every man and woman faces everyday. Now you may be thinking that this battle has been going on for thousands of years. While that is true, I would argue that mankind has not seen a more intense onslaught by the forces of darkness against mankind, purity, Truth and God Himself.

In the next few posts I want to explore the nature of this battle and explain why I think that this battle has reached a new and unprecedented height...more than ever before! The Truth is under greater and greater attack everyday. The attack on the truth of human life with abortion, contraception and euthanasia; the attack on the sanctity of the most intimate of all human relationships, holy matrimony with such distortions of truth as homosexual unions and the attack on the holy gift of human sexuality with the onslaught of pornography.

Truth has become relevant. Man has always sought to define truth in relation to his own selfish, prideful desires. Yet, by doing so we further separate ourselves from the source of all truth...God himself.

Let me just leave you with this quote from a book I have been reading called "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend:

"Knowing the truth about God and his property puts limits on you and shows you his boundaries. Realizing the truth of his unchangeable reality helps you to define yourself in relation to him. When he says that you will reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7), for example, you either define yourself in relation to that reality, or continue to get injured if you try to go against it. To be in touch with God's truth is to be in touch with reality, and to live in accord with that reality makes for a better life (Ps. 119:2, 45).

Satan is the great distorter of reality. Recall in the garden when he tempted Eve to question God's boundaries and his truth. The consequences were disastrous.

There is always safety in the truth, whether it be knowing God's truth or knowing the truth about yourself. Many people live scattered and tumultuous lives trying to live outside of their own boundaries, not accepting and expressing the truth of who they are. Honesty about who you are gives you the biblical value of integrity, or oneness."

Truth is unchangeable...truth frees us from the darkness...the Truth is a light that illuminates the lies of the darkness.

Jesus Christ is that light...the Way, the Truth and the Life!


Innocent said...

YAY! I get to make the first comment here!


Great job with this new web log, Ken! I'm glad you now have a new presence in the blogosphere!

I look forward to reading many more posts from you, and remember you and your family in my prayers.

With love and prayers,

Kenneth Henderson said...

Thanks Innocent! :)