Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pornography Addiction: How to Win the War against Satan's Attack on the Family (Part II)

written by Kenneth Henderson,

Saturday, March 24, 2007

How did we stray so far, so fast? Why is pornography allowed to intrude into so many marriages? The main reason I see is we have been duped by society and the Great Deceiver. We have been lied to and told that we need this "toxic waste" in our lives or we are not normal. I'd liken it to being lost and thirsty in a desert and discovering someone living alongside a beautiful stream but using it as a toilet, or serving a wonderful meal for dinner each evening, but adding a small amount of rat poison to it. Either way, it's deadly...

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Chad said...

This is right on the ball, and really an unfortunate situation. I'm still fairly young, and I've seen pornography absolutely boom so much so quickly. When did it become acceptable to have commercials on mainstream TV for "Girls Gone Wild", and "Natural Male Enhancement"? These were once relegated to only spam email, and underground sources. Society needs to step up to say how bad this is.

Also, I'm glad to have you as a Neighbor in St. Blog's.

ploughman said...

The Moral compass has been truly lost. Most parents no longer seem to understand how to make a moral choice anymore.Such has their reliance on the state become that they will accept anything just because it is out there,Good and bad have become meaningless terms.
Infact the only term that they seem able to grasp is that the use of those two words is the only moral evil.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't the church being more effective in convincing it's flock that our sexuality is a gift from God and not to be used for self fullfillment? If I am full of myself then there is no room for God. I beleive it is because the contraceptive mentality. Until this is reversed the proliferation of perversity goes on unabated.